Peer-reviewed publications
Mariotti, A. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Charreau, J. ; Toucanne, S. ; Jorry, S. ; & ASTER Team. Impact of extreme meteorological event on the landscape: what can we learn from the in situ 10Be signature in river sediments during the 2020 Alex storm (Var basin, France)? Submission to Geomorphology in 2024.
Mariotti, A. ; Blard P.-H. ; Zimmermann, C. ; Schumacher, A. ; Braucher, R. ; Yechigyan, D. ; Leanni, L. ; Martin, P.-Y. ; Keddadouche, K. ; & Aumaître, G. New beryllium phenakite carriers with 10Be/9Be ratios in the 10-16 range. Submission to Geochronology in 2024.
Molliex, S. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Jouet, G. ; Mariotti, A. ; Charreau, J. ; & Beaufort, L. Near-steady denudation over the Quaternary cycles in an intermittently glaciated Alpine watershed. Submission to Nature Geosciences in 2024.
Gong, L. ; van der Beek, P. ; Schildgen, T. F. ; Sobel, E. R. ; Racano, S. ; Mariotti, A. ; McNab, F. Drainage rearrangement in an intra-continental mountain belt: A case study from the central South Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan. Earth Surface Dynamics.
Mariotti, A. ; Croke, J. C. ; Bartley, R. ; Kelley, S. E. ; Ward, J. ; Fülöp, R. H. ; Rood, A. H. ; Rood, D. H. ; Codilean, A. T. ; Wilcken, K. ; & Fifield, L. K. (2021). Pre-development denudation rates for the Great Barrier Reef catchments derived using 10Be. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 172(April), 112731.
Mariotti, A. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Charreau, J. ; Toucanne, S. ; Jorry, S. ; Molliex, S. ; Bourlès, D. L. ; Aumaître, G. ; & Keddadouche, K. (2021). Nonlinear forcing of climate on mountain denudation during glaciations. Nature Geoscience, 14(1), 16–22.
Mariotti, A. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Charreau, J. ; Petit, C. ; Molliex, S. ; & ASTER Team (2019). Denudation systematics inferred from in situ cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in fine (50–100 μm) and medium (100–250 μm) sediments of the Var River basin, southern French Alps. Earth Surface Dynamics, 7(4), 1059–1074.
Houet, T. ; Grémont, M. ; Vacquié, L. ; Forget, Y. ; Mariotti, A. ; Puissant, A. ; Bernardie, S., ; Thiery, Y. ; Vandromme, R. ; & Grandjean, G. (2017). Downscaling scenarios of future land use and land cover changes using a participatory approach: an application to mountain risk assessment in the Pyrenees (France). Regional Environmental Change, 17(8), 2293–2307.
Conferences abstracts
EGU 2024: Glaciations impact on exhumation history of the Kyrgyz Range – Western Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan). Mariotti, A. ; Schildgen, T. F. ; Sobel, E. R. ; Bernard, M. ; Gong, L. ; van der Beek, P. ; Glodny, J.
EGU 2024: A multi-proxy approach to assess chemical weathering in the Southern French Alps since Marine Isotopic Stage 4. Nauton-Fourteu, M. ; Bromley, G. ; Tyrrel, S. ; Jorry, S. ; Toucanne, S. ; Mariotti, A. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Charreau, J.
EGU 2023: Low-temperature thermochronology history of the Kyrgyz Range – Western Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan). A. Mariotti, T. Schildgen, E. Sobel, J. Glodny
Thermo 2023: Potential impact of glaciations on the exhumation history of the Kyrgyz Range – Western Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan). Mariotti, A. ; Schildgen, T. F. ; Sobel, E. R. ; Bernard, M. ; Gong, L. ; van der Beek, P. ; Glodny, J.
EGU 2022: Glacial erosion rates across the Alps derived from the 10Be concentration in river sediments. Mariotti, A. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Charreau, J. ; Breton, S.
EGU 2022: Impact of an extreme storm on the 10Be signal in a mountainous catchment. Mariotti, A. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Charreau, J. ; Petit, C. ; ASTER Team.
Journée Impacts et Climats 2022: Impact of an extreme storm on the geochemical signal in a mountainous catchment. Mariotti, A. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Charreau, J. ; Petit, C. ; Evrard, O. ; ASTER Team.
EGU 2021: Denudation response of the Mediterranean alpine massifs to the Quaternary glacial cycles. Blard, P.-H. ; Molliex, S. ; Mariotti, A. ; Charreau, J. ; Jouet, G. ; Toucanne, S. ; Jorry, S.
EGU 2020: River incision, climate and vertical motions since the LGM in south-western Alps (France). Petit, C. ; Rolland, Y. ; Braucher, R. ; Bourlès, D. ; Cardinal, T. ; Mariotti, A. ; Audin, L.
AGU 2020: Controlling variables of denudation across catchments draining to the Great Barrier Reef. Mariotti, A. ; Croke, J. C. ; Bartley, R. ; Kelley, S. ; Fifield, K. ; Fülöp, R.-H. ; Codilean, A. T.
EGU 2019: Paleodenudation rates variations in the Southern French Alps (Var river) during the last 70 ka. Mariotti, A. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Charreau, J. ; Toucanne, S. ; Jorry, S. ; Molliex, S. ; Petit, C. ; ASTER Team.
EGU 2019: 10Be dynamics of fine sediments: impact of mixing, grain size and annual variability in the Alps. Charreau, J. ; Mariotti, A. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Toucanne, S. ; Jorry, S. ; Molliex, S. ; Petit, C. ; ASTER Team.
EGU 2018: Cosmogenic in-situ 10Be derived denudation rate of the Var catchment, southern French Alps. Mariotti, A. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Charreau, J. ; Toucanne, S. ; Jorry, S. ; Molliex, S. ; Petit, C. ; ASTER Team.
4th Nordic Workshop on Cosmogenic Nuclides: 10Be-derived present-day and paleo denudation rates of the Var catchment, southern French Alps. Mariotti, A. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Charreau, J. ; Petit, C. ; Toucanne, S. ; Jorry, S. ; ASTER Team.
GeoBremen 2017: Cosmogenic 10Be derived denudation rates of a former partially glaciated catchment in the Southern European Alps. Mariotti, A. ; Blard, P.-H. ; Charreau, J. ; Toucanne, S. ; Jorry, S. ; Petit, C. ; ASTER Team.